Brand Manger
The Brand Manager is the professional who takes care of conceiving, developing, and implementing marketing projects to grow the brand for which he is responsible, in an economic, strategic, and operational sense. A peculiar task is to enhance the image of the brand or trademark, to increase sales and ensure long-term customer loyalty.
What does he do?
The Brand Manager is entrusted with the management of the corporate image.
It deals with studying the competition to understand how they position themselves towards potential customers,
works in harmony with the manufacture departments to create an attractive product,
capable of achieving success in compliance with existing production constraints.
Collaborates with the marketing, communication, and sales sectors, as well as with external subjects to whom these
aspects are entrusted, such as advertising agencies, and reports directly to the highest managerial
and executive levels. The Brand Manager represents the most prestigious and best paid figures in the entire company.Activity
Management of the organization's image: deals with defining and promoting the image of the organization, developing communication strategies, and outlining guidelines for the use of the brand.
Reputation building and management: works to build a positive reputation of the organization, through the promotion of values, transparency and attention to needs
Brand perception monitoring and analysis: monitors the organization's brand perception among stakeholders, through the use of analysis tools and the collection of feedback.
Development of initiatives and projects: develops initiatives and projects to promote the organization's brand, through the use of communication tools and participation in promotional events and activities.
Collaboration with other departments: the Brand Manager works in collaboration with other departments of the organization, such as institutional communication, marketing, to ensure the effectiveness of brand promotion activities.
Strategic Marketing
Marketing Management
Product Marketing
Product Development
Crisis Management
Brand Operations
Critical Thinking
Customer Support
Sales Management
Design Management
Public Relations Management.